Saturday, January 8, 2011

fiat lux (january 2011)

you creep and emerge
silent beyond a far hill
and I am breathless
to every second of your surprise
your slow unravelling
and scattering of photons

and this happening
at over a thousand miles an hour
conspires with the speed of light
to be a monument to alacrity
but from my window
it is only a slow creaking
the subtle breaking open
of a hidden pearl beyond my furthest sight

you and I are locked in a perpetual moment
a gradual processing
and for a brief eternity
I can imagine that moment in Genesis
took ten thousand thousand years
and this secret fire was shared
drop by drop
with the young eyes of the universe
and each flake of that fire
gently released into the deep darkness
sung out from one to another
fiat lux!
fiat lux!
as they collided into that first dawn

1 comment:

naomi said...

lovely! reminds me, for some reason, of the following: "I was focused on that historical split second: the tableau of the haunting trinity -- perpetrator, victim, witness. / But at what moment does wood become stone, peat become coal, limestone become marble? The gradual instant."